Ikari dwellers of Endine

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Endine wof/A account

- Basic Description -
Often Suncranes are very competitive. Which leads to lots of duels to settle disputes. They are a very honorable species though, and lying / cheating is frowned upon.
They’re mostly carnivores, but they don’t mind some fresh sun fruit from time to time, causing them to be omnivorous.
Suncranes can be any color and often have a gorgeous array of colors spread about their feathers. Their fire is always red oranges unless if they're a soul fire, then it's blue.

- Abilities -
Fire bending
They create fire from the passions in their heart and mind. They can use their wings and fly in a spiral pattern to create large fireballs for carving rocks.
Hot hands
Can be nice warmers for cooking, but can also get extremely hot to melt metal for accessories, swords etc.
Fire breath
Unconnected from their fire bending Suncranes have fire glands that allow them to breathe fire out in a v shape (due to their beak). If they’re too cold the gland won’t work very well. They can use their hot hands on their own neck under the jaw to warm up the glands so they can breathe fire like normal if in a colder area.
Sun Spells
Cast spells in their language sunscript. Create sun like rings around their body, depending on how powerful the spell is the more sun rings show up. Spells have to be learned and are very hard to master. Most can't even use magic.
Melt claw swipe
Can cut through tough metal and scales, extremely deadly. They have to heat up their talons with fire breath and then use hot hands. Works even better if fire bending is used with it.
Flame Tail
When happy their tail has a tiny little flame on the end.
Soul Fire
Very few Suncranes have this rare ability to have blue soul fire. It's significantly hotter and they can also create lightning.

- Magic -
The average Suncrane can do accessory magic, just creating cool rings for pure aesthetic.

- Sunscript -

- Weaknesses / Strengths -
•Touching Water (still need to drink it but it cools them down, limiting their fire ability)•
•Cold weather•
•Short Front arms -> hard to defend themselves in close quarters fights•
•Large Back legs -> speedy on land•
•Big wings -> fast, agile in air•
•Immune Fire / Lava •
•Withstand extremely hot temperatures•

- Government -
Monarchy where any gender can rule. Absolute power except whether or not they can go to war.
No cannibalism (banished to wof universe as punishment)
No romantic relationships until 6 in dragon years, (18 in human years).No Giant Arachnid riding till 5 in dragon years (15 in human years).Freedom of speechNo stealingNo false advertisementMust attend school from 2 -> 8 dragon years (6->23 human years).No murder under any circumstanceIf the monarch tries to take away any of these laws, they have lost their right to the throne and their heir will replace them, or the council will elect a successor.An heir is chosen by the monarch 5 years into their rule, often monarchs retire after 10 years and crown their heir, which can be their dragonet or anyone of their choosing.When you kill an animal for food leave 10% of it to give to Ikari’s surface to keep the ground healthy and fertilized.

- Lower Class -
- Middle Class -
- Upper Class -
Wear colorful expensively dyed scarves made from the fleef of fleeps. This wool type material always burns from the inside, like embers having a gorgeous radiant effect. Dying this material is extremely hard and expensive, which is why only the upper class and royals can get their talons on the scarves. Upper class often get jobs like management positions, ceos, sport related jobs like announcing, athletes, coaches, sometimes middle class can get those jobs but its very rare, and by then they’ve joined the upper class. They go to separate private schools with the best teachers and resources.
- Royalty -
Like upperclass Royalty has access to fleef like Upper Class do, expensive jewelry, along with many services if they're in the royal family.

- Riding Animals -
Suncranes ride these huge beasts to travel long distances and over large acid Lakes. Suncranes could just fly over but many things could go terribly wrong, so they ride on Walegators.

- Traditions -
Sunrise Festival
The celebration of the ruler of Ikari's Birthday. It's held from sunrise to sunset and is a beautiful festival in image of the current rulers likenesses.
When dueling Suncranes have a very specific code you have to follow. You either use short dueling fire blades, or one large fire broadsword. These swords are made from their fire bending, since they're immune to each other's fire they don't get very hurt, so its more of a battle of stamina and tenacity. Although these battles go awry when a Soul Fire is involved. You see, you can't tell a soul fire at first glance, but once they breathe fire you know you're toast, literally. Once you're in a duel to preserve your honor you cannot back out. If you do resign, you're outcast. Though this happens very little, due to the extremely small amount of Soul Fires and often don't need to duel from other's fear.

- Jobs -
Walegator Guide
Dessert Baker
Scarf Artists
House Maid

- Ikari -
Ikari is a harsh place with high temperatures of 35-45°C on average and on the hottest days getting all the way up in the 100s°C in the more uninhabitable uncomfortable places to live. Though Suncranes are immune to fire and lava, getting into a lava pool is the same sensation of being in a hot tub that feels WAY too hot. It won't hurt you but it becomes uncomfortably hot if you stay in it long enough.
60% of Ikari's fluid bodies are a harmful acid to suncranes, 20% lava, fresh water oases are hard to come by, since 15% of the oases are saltwater, the last 5 percent are freshwater bodies and oases. Due to this, Suncrane towns and cities are always based around a freshwater oasis or a large H-fruit forest.
Ikari is covered in large canyons, craters, and tall pointy mountains all from acid and dust storms. Volcanos are very common but eruptions to Suncranes is like a minor tsunami, all the trees, growth, materials, and most resources on Ikari are either immune or highly resistant to lava and fire, the only thing able to penetrate most things in Ikari is a Suncrane's fire, it can get up to temperatures close to the surface of our sun.

- History -
Many Suncranes traveled to the wings of fire universe with Enderianwings to mess with Skywings and show off. Leaving the old ways of Ikari Suncranes behind, they've developed new, less harsh conditions.